Friday, November 1, 2019

Timberwolf Trail - Week 9 - 2019-20 Edition

This might have been one of the busier and most unique weeks of the nature kindergarten has ever seen.

After cleaning up the "spooky" trail

and spreading newly-acquired prairie seed around our restoration areas,

we started the construction of our mouse houses.

The class requested and helped provide an array of treats that our animal friends might want and need.

The class was very motivated to create unique and exciting houses for our animal friends.

Once the houses wee made, it was time to set out the food. We even smashed a few pumpkins to help gather up the seeds.

Then, the snow came . . .

for a day before it went away.

We were fortunate to get a visit from one of our newest nature friends, DNR Dianne from Wisconsin's Department of Natural Resources. She taught us about how many animals prepare for winter and shared some beautiful pelts with us.

Then, the snow returned.

We took advantage and had some very early winter fun.

We also continued to change, improve, and work with our mouse houses.

We also snowshoed. I didn't think we would be snowshoeing this early in the year, but the class and parent helpers did an awesome job. We hiked around and explored for a nice chunk of time in the morning.

It was a fabulous fall/wonderful winter week.!

Enjoy the videos below of some of this week's trail camera captures of mouse house visitors. We had rich conversations about how the food we offered, the location of the house, and the animals who visitied may have impacted who came to check out their mouse house constructions.

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