Friday, September 18, 2020

Timberwolf Trail - Week 3 - 2020-2021 Edition

What  a week! So much accomplished and so much fun had gettig our work done. We kicked off the week completing our nreading lesson and exploring our school's community garden.


We also spent plenty of time on the trail, reviewing places we've already explored and breaking ground on new explorations.


To review our math study of length and our reading skills of comparing, we porganized various sticks according to their length. The kids showed off great creativity in displaying and explaining their understanding.

Of course, we played as well.


On our adventures, imromptu and unexpected lessons are the name of the game. Like a famous movie line once said, "you never know what you're gonna get."  

Our final portion of the week focused more on trees. Reviewing their life cycle paved the way for introducing the needs for trees and their role in our ecosystem. We talked about how we rely on ecah other with our new chant. . . 

Ecosystem, we all are connected.
Ecosystem, we all love together.
Ecosystem, we all need each other.

We'll be taking this beginning investiagtion into ecosystems further next week as we dig into the needs of a tree and the reasons what trees are so important to our own needs and lives.  And I am sure we will play along the way. Can't wait!

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