Mother Nature certainly made our first four-day week of nature kindergarten interesting. With plenty of rain and plummeting temperatures, it was certainly different than our first few days but we made due, as we always do.
After reading one of my absolute favorite picture books, we explored a new area of our outdoor classroom: the oak tree classroom and rock pile.
We also completed our first nature journal entry and monitored a young family of turkeys.
Our first nature investigation encompassed the life cycle of trees. After researching the different stages, we traveled to another part of the trial to find real life examples.

We found seeds,
an adult tree,
an old age tree,
and a tree decomposing into dirt.
Inside, we used our scientific skills of observation to investigate various artifacts, including bones feathers, pelts, and beehives.
We also played inour trail's natural play area.
We finished our week with our first nature art project: practicing mud painting.
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