Friday, January 11, 2019

Timberwolf Trail - Week 17 - 2018-19 Edition

This week had a bit of everything: rain, subzero wind chills, and the return of the sun. However, regardless of the weather, one thing was for sure. It's time to learn about birds. So, we kicked off the week with our first ever birding session, focusing on listening ears, searching eyes, and when a bird is located, pointing hands.

Of course, some natural play was involved as well.

As we hiked around, we notice our trail signs weren't standing up to the extra wet weather. Lesson learned. No more markers on the signs. We'll aim for crayons and colored pencils next time.

We also took some time to discuss parts of the trail that will dramatically change over the next few years. Whether it is the butterfly garden or a newly restored portion of prairie, the Timberwolf Trail is sure to look new and improved over the next few years.

Besides birding outside, we also took our bird learning inside. We focused on what makes a bird a bird. Besides reading about and experimenting with feathers and their many purposes, we went to the gym to practice being a bird.

We learned our vision isn't as keen as most birds. With a small word written a piece of paper and placed on the wall in front of them, each student "failed" the vision test. This led to a quick discussion n the amazing eyesight of many birds and how they use it.

The kids then focused on their wings by measuring their wingspan.

Determined Owl
Grinning Goose

We also focused on different types of birds and how their wings and wingspans allowed them to do different things.
Hectic Hummingbird

When back in the classroom, we put a live bald eagle camera on the SMARTBoard that we will check on throughout the day. We met two chicks and saw firsthand that they love fish.

Of course, we also journaled about our experience in our bird journals.

We went birding one last time before ending the week with natural play.

They thought I couldn't see them.

Watch out for the scat!

Den dismantling

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