Wednesday, April 6, 2016

Timberwolf Trail - Week 29 - 2015-16 Edition

Even though the weather hasn't been exactly springlike, this week, our daily hikes have focused on searching for signs of spring using our senses. While intermittent rain caused a shortening of today's outdoor time, our previous hikes and findings helped our spring search tremendously.

Our hawk friend is barely visible in the background

No more than ten steps into the trail, we aroused a red-tailed hawk who reluctantly left his perch on the ground and took flight around the land, moving from tree to tree until finally finding a resting spot, though our feathered friend kept a close and keen eye on us.

We took a few exploration stops on our extended hike and went off trail in search of signs that spring was here. On our journey, we found many of these signs and other interesting things, described by the students as. . . .

pieces of bark "bitten up by bugs,"

"soft and squishy moss,"

and "squirmy worms." Additionally, we also noticed green grass, bugs, bugs, woolly bears, leaves, and enjoyed a chorus of song birds. We also noted that the screech of the hawk probably wasn't too exciting for most music lovers, unless of course you are a heavy metal fan. Thankfully, I am.

As usual, we enjoyed time outside despite being shortened to avoid the rains that never even came. It didn't stop us from our joyous sprint down the hill towards our classroom.

Though we headed in early, our learning had only just begun. We thought about the signs of spring we observed and thought up, brainstormed a long list, and used some of those ideas and our best direction-following to create a Signs of Spring foldable.

Thought Wisconsin's weather continues to trick us and the next week looks a bit "winteresque," spring has definitely sprung in our indoor classroom. Hopefully, our outdoor classroom will soon follow suit.

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