Friday, May 3, 2019

Timberwolf Trail - Week 32 - 2018-19 Edition

The beginning of the week wetness switched to seasonal temperatures toward the end of the week with a very bright forecast ahead. That same bright forecast related to nature kindergarten as well. What a wonderful week it was!

We continued building up our physical strength and improving the trail by woodchipping some more of the muddier spots.

We also hosted a planting party which added native plants and mason bee homes to the trail.

Our naturalist friend from the Department of Natural Resources visited one last time to teach about seeds. We found plenty of seeds. . . and bugs.

We also continued our Birdathon. This week, we also began searching the various birdboxes around the trail. We found a variety of nests and saw wrens, swallows, and bluebirds in and around the boxes.

Our most exciting find was one particular box that looked different than others. rather than sticks and grass, it had moss, feathers, and fur. A little investigation showed that this was the nest of three chickadee. We found the nest on Thursday. By the time we checked again on Friday. It had changed.

Eight gorgeous eggs. Plus, a mommy and daddy bird scanning our every move.

We celebrated this discovery and a week of wonderful work on the trail with some natural play.

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