Starting on the UW-Waukesha Field Station grounds alongside a prairie restoration project, this beautiful segment takes a jaunt through some wooded and meadow-like fields before a mile-long road connect takes you deeper into the hilly woods weaving through residential neighborhoods.
In the woods, there were various wildflowers and ground cover covering just about every portion of the color spectrum. I did notice many downed and uprooted trees that had been taken over as homes for different animals. As a very primitive photographer and enthusiast of art, something about the site of the uprooted root structure that can be seen is quite remarkable so I was sure to snap a few pictures.
The sun peeking it's way through the trees and the chorus of birds made the up and down terrain's strain on my weary quadriceps much more pleasant. I tend to walk one way and trail run the way back. Not sure if I was tired after a long, long week of kindergarten or if this segment was extra hilly, but I stopped to rest on more occasions than usual this Saturday morning.
Though a solid chunk of the trail did wind through some beautiful forests, it did clear up near the end into some more cleared prairieland and marshy areas. A few boardwalks helped make the trek over low-lying areas a bit drier though there was gentle stream that had to be hopped over. The trail ended at a road connect which was a hop, skip, and a jump away from the next segment on my adventure: Scuppernong.